Hi, I'm Chris, I wrote the software for Haptrix iOS & macOS Apps. I also wrote the server side support for the service.
I started writing Haptrix when Core Haptics were introduced by Apple at WWDC 2019, I'd been playing around with hacks up until that point to generate custom vibrations.
I saw that you could use Swift to programmatically create Core Haptic Patterns, but I found that whilst it's useful, it was slow for me to make changes
I then saw in the specification the JSON structure of an *.AHAP file and knew I could work with it to make an easy to use Editor.
It took some time to get the first version of Haptrix out, one of the biggest features I needed was the ability to sync to a companion app so that I could make a change in the editor and then experience it on my device.
Another important feature I wanted to have was sequencing of an Audio Track, this lets you import a media file and it will find the beats and place Haptic Transient events on the beat
Haptrix lets you share your designs with others, you can upload them directly through the app, or you can do it directly on this website.
Alternatively, if you're looking for a Haptic file, you can search this website for different Haptics and download them for your own use.
A great thing about the format is that if you find a Haptic you like, but want to edit, it's super easy to do.
Haptrix is used by large & small companies, BlindDrive a fun game for iOS used Haptrix when designing their Haptics
If you have an issues with Haptrix, you can log them on the on the Haptrix Issue Tracker page.
Alternatively, if you want to get in contact, please feel free to send me an email.